年度 |
參考文獻格式 |
2024 |
黃延君*,蕭郁書,張鎧茵,楊馥瑄(20240503~20240504),得舒飲食衛教對血壓偏高者之血壓和身體質量指數影響,第50屆營養年會暨學術研討會。 |
2024 |
王昀暄,黃延君*(20240503~20240504),健康通識課程對大學生營養及身體活動知識、態度與行為之分析,第50屆營養年會暨學術研討會。 |
2024 |
黃延君*,王昀暄(20241129~20241129),探討大學生飲食行為與肥胖之相關性,第54屆食品科學技術學會年會。 |
2023 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun*, Hong Xiang-Yun, Su Wen-Yen, Lin Hao-Wei, Lin Hong-Yao(20230505~20230506), Study of balance diet knowledge learning evaluation of a Taichung senior high school’s PE class, The 49th annual conference of the nutrition society of Taiwan. |
2022 |
黃延君*(20221125~20221128),疫情下的飲食環境和年輕成年人的蔬菜水果攝取,第七屆海峽兩岸暨港澳營養科學大會。 |
2021 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20211001~), The effects of xylooligosaccharides on blood glucose tolerance and its related metabolic functions, Annuals of Nutrition & Metabolism - 9th European Nutrition Conference(p.p536~536). |
2021 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Pang, Hue-Mei(20210101~), Role of magnesium on the effect of nitric oxide and endothelin on aorta tone in experimental hypertension, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism - 17th International Congress of Nutrition(p.p132~132). |
2021 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20210101~), Effect of magnesium on hypertension associated with insulin resistance of fructose fed rat model, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition - The 8th European Nutrition Conference ISSN 1102-6510(p.p43S~43S). |
2021 |
黃勝豐,黃延君*(20210521~20210522),探討成年人飲食與傳染病之知識、態度與飲食消費行為,台灣營養學會第四十七屆年會暨學術研討會。 |
2021 |
許祐甄,黃延君*(20210521~20210522),苦茶籽油對繁殖力之影響-以斑馬魚為研究模式,台灣營養學會第四十七屆年會暨學術研討會。 |
2020 |
黃延君*,魏筠臻,李玟靜,葉姿秀,周子芸(20200523~20200523),Steno對話卡在社區健康飲食衛教之應用成效,台灣營養學會第四十六屆年會論文摘要集(頁93~93)。 |
2019 |
黃延君*,黃梓慧,張家綺,林妤宣,莊蕙榕(20190524~20190525),營養教育對老人飲食和身體活動相關性之個案研究,台灣營養學會第45屆營養年會暨學術研討會。 |
2019 |
何幸芸,黃延君*(20190524~20190525),探討營養教育對幼兒飲食行為之影響,台灣營養學會第45屆營養年會暨學術研討會。 |
2019 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun*(20190804~20190807), Relationship of dairy intake and grip strength for elderly- residents live in Taichung as example, Asian Congress of Nutrition. |
2018 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun*; Ho, Sing-Yun; Zhao, Jun-Xiang(20180706~20180708), Effect of nutrition education on food preference of young children in the kindergarten, The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics. |
2018 |
Wu Ya-Hui; Huang, Yan-Jiun; Lin Ming-Chi(20180706~20180708), To explore the toleration of the added fortifier on breast-milk fed very low birth weight preterm infant, The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics. |
2018 |
趙焌翔,黃延君*(20180525~20180526),探討40歲以上健康成年人奶類攝取與肌肉力量之關係-以台中市海線地區為例,第44屆營養年會暨學術研討會。 |
2017 |
黃延君*(20170923~20170924),升糖反應與健康,第三屆健康科學聯合年會暨2017食療與健康海峽兩岸論壇-研究與實踐。 |
2017 |
黃延君*(20170922~20170922),兩岸三地營養師考選與培育-台灣,第三屆健康科學聯合年會-探討營養師能力培育工作坊。 |
2016 |
宋青騰;黃嘉妍;李芷晴;黃延君*(20160922~20160924),台灣培育陸港澳食品營養人才之發展分析,第五屆兩岸四地營養改善學術會議。 |
2016 |
許祐甄;翁芊芊;黃延君(20160922~20160924),食品營養專業之僑生在兩岸四地發展之可行性評估,第五屆兩岸四地營養改善學術會議。 |
2016 |
黃延君*(20160922~20160924),台灣學校課程與營養人才培育之分析,第五屆兩岸四地營養改善學術會議。 |
2016 |
Qian-Qian Oon; Qing-Teng Song; Yu-Chen Hsu; Huang, Yan-Jiun*(20161001~20161002), Analysis of the sugar content of commercial food and its health recommendation, International Symposium of Reproduction and Metabolism. |
2015 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Wu Chia-Xsun(20150522~20150523), The effects of foods knowing and nutrition education program on food preference of preschool children in Taichung kindergarten, The 41th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan. |
2015 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20150527~20150530), Effect of edible fish on wound healing, 11th World Congress of the International Society for Adaptive Medicine. |
2015 |
黃延君(20150828~20150901),食物與創傷修復之交互影響,第七屆海峽兩岸低氧學術研討會。 |
2015 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun*; Wu, Chia-Xsun(20151003~20151004), Effects of breakfast nutrition education in young children from primary caregivers, The First Joint Annual Conference of Health Science. |
2015 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20150527~20150530), Effect of edible fish on wound healing, 11th World congress of the international society for adaptive medicine. |
2014 |
劉學民;黃延君(20140523~20140524),食物經驗對幼兒蔬菜認知與接受蔬菜原味之營養教育成效評估,第40屆台灣營養學會年會暨學術研討會。 |
2014 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Liou Syue-Min(20140821~20140824), Food experience benefit to kid's vegetable knowledge and dietary choice, The 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics. |
2012 |
Liou, Syue-Min; Li, Yun-Jhen; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20121115~20121115), Explore the correlation of different dietary patterns with green diet, Green Technology and Sustainable Development Symposium. |
2012 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Hsu, Chun-Shan(20120518~20120519), The ameliorate effect of Anguilla Japonica on the excision skin wound in hyperglycemic rats, The 38th Annual Conference of Nutrition. |
2011 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Wu, Siao-Wei; Kuo, Chan-Yan; Hung, Man-Jung(20110603~20110605), Effect of human adipose derived stem cell transplantation on blood glucose regulation in diabetic rats, The 37th Annual Conference of Nutrition. |
2011 |
吳曉葳;黃延君;郭展延;洪滿榮(20110603~20110605),探討移植分化脂肪間質幹細胞對不同程度糖尿病大鼠之影響,第37屆營養年會。 |
2011 |
Hsu, Chun-Shan; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20111120~20111123), The effect of traditional edible fish on wound healing in diabetic rats, The Fifth International Conference on Food Factors. |
2010 |
黃延君;田淑媛(20100419~20100422),探討維生素D 及牛奶介入對糖尿病大鼠血糖調節之影響,第二屆兩岸四地營養改善學術會議。 |
2009 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20090831~20090831), Application of physical activity with nutrition in chronic kidney patients, Adaptive Medicine(p.p94~94). |
2009 |
Pan Szu-Jung; Huang, Yan-Jiun; Wang, Ju-Yu(20090321~20090322), Effect of high concentration glucose and /or tumor necrosis factor-a on the oxidative stress of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. |
2008 |
Yao Te-Yi; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20080329~20080330), Immune regulation in the lipopolysaccharides induced inflammation of Streptozotocin induced hyperglycemic rats, The 23rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. |
2008 |
Wu, Hung-Lien; Tseng, Chin-Chung; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20080530~20080531), The correlation analysis of physical function and anthropometry in patients with chronic kidney disease, The 34rd Annual Conference of Nutrition. |
2008 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Liu, Ru-Yen(20080920~20080924), Composition analysis of Lateolabrax japonicas and its effect to wound healing., The 7th Symposium of World's Chinese Scientists on Nutrition and Feeding of Finfish and Shellfish. |
2008 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Liu, Ru-Yen(20081114~20081117), Effects of Lateolabrax japonicas on wound healing in rats, International Conference for 2008 Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements.. |
2007 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Hsu, Shu-Hui(20070302~20070302), Hypoglycemic effect of Pu-erh tea on STZ induced Type 2 diabetic rats, The 9th Member Meeting and Health Food and Blood Lipid Regulation Symposium. |
2007 |
Wu, Ya-Lin; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20070909~20070913), Change of metabolic relative enzymes of blood sugar in diabetic rats, 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition. |
2007 |
Yao, Ta-Yi; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20070909~20070913), TNF-a increased in the lipopolysaccharides induced inflammation of glucose rats, 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition. |
2007 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20070909~20070913), TNF-a increased in the lipopolysaccharides induced inflammation of glucose intolerance rats, 10th Asia Congress of Nutrition. |
2006 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20060427~20060429), Factors influenced the glycemic index value of rice food, Sixth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. |
2006 |
Wu, HL; Huang, Yan-Jiun; Tseng, C-C-; Huang, J-J(20060409~20060409), Nutritional status of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients: Correlation of biochemical parameters with anthropometry and nutrient intake, The 7th TSPEN Annual Meeting. |
2005 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Liu, F-H; Hsu, T-H(20050326~20050327), The effect of vitamin A involved in the process of saline induced inflammation of lung tissue in rat., The twentieth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. |
2005 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20050515~20050520), Application of nutrients on the effect of respiratory distress syndrome, The 5th CAPS Annual Meeting on Cardiovascular, Respiratory & Renal Physiology. |
2005 |
吳紅蓮;曾進忠;王麗玲;黃延君(20050520~20050521),慢性腹膜透析病人對高磷飲食及降磷藥物服用知識之研究,中華民國營養學會第三十一屆年會暨學術研討會。 |
2005 |
黃延君;張雅涵;邱資容;李慧芬(20050618~20050619),探討寡木糖對大鼠血糖,血脂及血壓調節作用之影響,2005全球華人保健食品科技大會。 |
2005 |
吳紅蓮;曾進忠;黃建鐘;黃延君(20050618~20050619),口服補充肉鹼對慢性腹膜透析病人營養狀況的影響,2005全球華人保健食品科技大會。 |
2004 |
Chang, Y-H; Liu, F-H; Wu, Y-L; Huang, H-Y; Lee, H-Y; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20041126~20041126), Effect of carbohydrate food intake of type 2 diabetic patient to its clinical symptom, The 34rd Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association for Food Science and Technology. |
2004 |
Liu, F-H; Chang, Y-H; Huang, H-Y; Wu, Y-L; Lee, H-Y; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20041126~20041126), Study of saline induced respiratory distress syndrome in rat, The 34rd Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association for Food Science and Technology. |
2004 |
張雅涵;黃延君(20040528~20040529),寡木糖對改善第二型糖尿病患者臨床症狀之影響,中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會。 |
2004 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Lee, Hui-Fen(20040518~20040523), Effect of vitamin A and zinc on the proliferation and geng expression of surfactant protein A in lung cell, The 8th International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. |
2004 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Chang, Ya-Han(20040512~20040515), Xylooligosaccharide improves blood glucose independent of BMI in type II diabetic patient, The International Conference: Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet: Obesity and Type II Diabetes Prevention. |
2004 |
Lee, Hui-Fen; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20040410~20040411), Nutrients potentiate the proliferation and geng expression of surfaction protein A in H441 cell, The Nineteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. |
2004 |
邱資容;黃延君(20040213~20040313),寡木糖對大鼠攝取高蔗糖飲食之血糖及血壓調節探討,台灣保健食品學會第六次年會。 |
2003 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Lee, Hui-Fen(20030322~20030323), Protective effect of magnesium and vitamin E against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury in vascular smooth muscle cell, The Eighteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. |
2003 |
李慧芬;黃延君(20030215~20030215),寡木糖對內生性血糖不耐大鼠血糖調節及相關生理功能之探討,台灣保健食品學會第五次年會。 |
2002 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun; Pan, Hui-Mei; Lee, Hui-Fen(20020811~20020814), The physiological functions of xylooligosaccharides on blood glucose tolerance, The International Seminar on Functional Food Science and Technology and Its Development. |
2002 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(20020801~20020803), Universities should response students more closely and friendly, The ACUCA Seminar on Institional Responses to Changing Student Expectations- the Asia Perspectives.. |
2001 |
Pan, Hui-Mei; Huang, Yan-Jiun(20010325~20010328),Study of sweet potato on blood sugar regulation and related physiological factors,The International Seminar on Functional Food Science and Technology and Its Development.。 |
2000 |
孔祥馨;黃延君(20000519~20000520),補充肌酸對大白鼠體內蛋白質及後腿肌肉量之影響,第二十六屆中華民國營養年會。 |
1999 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(19990920~19990924),Protective effects of magnesium and vitamin E against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury in smooth muscle cell,First Symposium on Hypoxia Across Strait。 |
1999 |
Huang, Yan-Jiun(19990410~19990411), Effect of magnesium on hypertension associated with insulin resistance, The Fourteenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.. |
1998 |
Lee, Y-C; Juan, C-C; Pan, J-S; Kwok, C-F; Fang, V-S; Hsu, Y-P; Yu, P-C; Huang, Y-J; Wu, C-N; Ho, L-T(199803~199803), Endothelin-1 inhibits the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake through ETA receptor in rat adipocytes, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1998 |
Shih, K-C; Wu, C-N; Hwu, C-M., Lee, Y-C; Huang, Y-J; Fang, V-S; Kwok, C-F; Shen, Y- W; Ho, L-T(199803~199803), Acarbose improves insulin resistance syndrome in the sucrose fed rat model, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1997 |
Lee, Y-C; Juan, C-C; Pan, J-S; Kwok, C-F; Fang, V-S; Hsu, Y-P; Yu, P-C; Huang, Y-J; Wu, C-N; Ho, L-T(19970322~19970323), Endothelin-1 inhibits the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake through ETA receptor in rat adipocytes, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1997 |
Juan, C-C; Fang, V-S; Huang, Y-J; Kowk, C-F; Hsu, Y-P; Ho, L-T(19970322~19970323), Edothelin-1 induces insulin resistance in conscious rats, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1997 |
Shih, K-C; Liu, L-Y; Huang, Y-J; Juan, C-C; Kowk, C-F; Ho, L-T(19970322~19970323), Diurnal variation of glucose tolerance and insulin action in the rat, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1997 |
Huang, Y-J; Fang, V-S; Juan, C-C; Hsu, Y-P; Ho, L-T(19970322~19970323), Influence of low magnesium diet on the insulin action, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1997 |
Huang, Y-J; Fang, V-S; Juan, C-C; Hsu, Y-P; Kao, M-D; Ho, L-T(19970727~19970801), Influence of low magnesium diet on the insulin action, 16th International Congress of Nutrition. |
1996 |
Hsia, D-B; Juan, C-C; Yu, B-C; Huang, Y-J; Hsu, Y-P; Lin, D-T; Pan, J-S; Kowk, C-F; Ho, L-T(19960316~19960317), Effects of endothelin-1 and angiotensin II on aortic ring contraction of fructose-fed hypertensive rats, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1996 |
Juan C-C; Huang, Y-J; Hsu, Y-P; Lin, D-T; Yu, B-C; Pan, J-S; Kowk, C-F; Ho, L-T(19960316~19960317), Effect of Angiotensin II on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of isolated rat adipocytes, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1996 |
Huang, Y-J; Juan, C-C; Hsu, Y-P; Kwok, C-F; Pan, J-S; Ho, L-T(19960316~19960317), Involvement of endothelin and magnesium in the fructose-fed rat model of insulin resistance combined with hypertension, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1995 |
Juan, C-C; Liu, L-Y; Chou, Y-C; Huang, Y-J; Ho, L-T(19950318~19950319), Effects of endothelin-1 on plasma glucose level and insulin action in rats, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1995 |
Huang, Y-J; Ho, L-T; Chou, Y-C; Yang, S-D(19950318~19950319), Changes of protein kinase FA activity in different tissue of the fructose fed rats, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |
1993 |
Huang, Y-J; Perng, J-C; Juan, C-C; Chou, Y-C; Jang, S-Y; Lee, T-S; Kwok, C-F; Pan, J-S; Ho, L-T(19930320~19930321), Hypertension, hyperinsulinemia and endothelin in fructose fed rat model with or without fish oil supplement, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society of the R.O.C. and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.. |