CHUNG, Yun-Chin -
年度 | 參考文獻格式 |
2025 | Zu-Tze Chou, Yi-Huo Chen, Yi-Hung Chen, Yun-Chen Tsai, Yun-Chin Chung, Ju-Pi Li(2025). Safety and antioxidant assessments of BLR-E50, 50 ethanolic extract from red beans co-fermented by Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol. 197, No. 0, p.p11526-11537 [SCIE]. |
2024 | 3. Ya-Chi Hsu , Ming-Chih Lin , Katharina Ardanareswari, Webiana Lowisia , Yi-Hsuan Lin , Yi-Jhen Chen , Cheng-Kuang Hsu and Yun-Chin Chung(2024). The Association with the Delayed Gut Microbiota Maturity in Preterm Infants and Feeding Intolerance-a Pilot Study. Biomedicines, Vol. 12, No. 0, p.p239-253 [SCIE]. |
2024 | Katharina Ardanareswari, Chih-Yuan Tan, Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Yun-Chin Chung(2024). Non-competitive Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase by Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) Peel Ethanolic Extracts. Heliyon, Vol. 10, No. 0, p.p32322-32328 [SCI]. |
2023 | Divate, NR, Ardanareswari, K., Yu, Y.P., Chen, Y.C., Liao, J.W., Chung, Y.C.(2023). Effects of Soybean and Tempeh Water Extracts on Regulation of Intestinal Flora and Prevention of Colon Precancerous Lesions in Rats.. Processes, Vol. 11, No. 1, p.p257-268 [SCI]. |
2023 | Ardanareswari,K., Lowisia, W., Soedarini, B., Liao, J.W., Chung, Y.C. *(2023). Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) Fruit Extract Suppressed Aberrant Crypt Formation in 1,2-Dimetylhydrazine-Induced Rats. Plant foods for human nutrition, Vol. 78, No. 0, p.p286-291 [SCI]. |
2022 | Divate, N.R., Huang, P.J., Chen, G.H., Chung, Y.C.(2022). Construction of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae with ethanol and aldehydes tolerance via overexpression of aldehyde reductase. Microorganisms, Vol. 10, No. 5, p.p850-861 [SCI]. |
2020 | Phoency F.-H. Lai, Po-Chun Hsu, Bo-Kang Liou, Rupesh D. Divate, Pei-Ming Wang, Yun-Chin Chung(2020). Improved phenolic compositions and sensory attributes of red wines by Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant CM8 overproducing cell-wall mannoproteins. processes, Vol. 8, No. 0, p.p1483-1496 [SCI]. |
2020 | Kung-Chi Chan, Kar-Eng Kok, Keh-Feng Huang, Yao-Lin Weng, Yun-Chin Chung(2020). Effects of fermented red bean extract on nephropathy in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats.. Food & Nutrition Research, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2018 | Lianzhong Ai, Yun-Chin Chung, Syuan-Yu Lin, Kuan-Ching Lee, Phoency F.-H. Lai,Yongjun Xia, Guangqiang Wang, Steve W. Cui.(2018). Active pectin fragments of high in vitro antiproliferation activities toward human colon adenocarcinoma cells: Rhamnogalacturonan II.. Food Hydrocolloids, Vol. 83, No. 0, p.p239-245 [SCI]. |
2018 | 1. Lianzhong Ai , Yung-Chin Chung, Syuan-Yu Lin, Kee-Ching G. Jeng, Phoency F.-H. Lai, Zhi-Qiang Xiong, Guangqiang Wang(2018). Carrageenan polysaccharides and oligosaccharides with distinct immunomodulatory activities in murine microglia BV-2 cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 120, No. 0, p.p633-640 [SCI]. |
2017 | Rupesh D. Divate, Chiun-Chuang Wang, Su-Tze Chou, Chen-Tien Chang, Pei-Ming Wang*, Yun-Chin Chung**(2017). Using wheat bran and soybean meal as solid state fermentation substances for the production of Xylaria nigripes with bioactivities.. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers., Vol. 70, No. 0, p.p127-133 [SCI]. |
2017 | Nileema R. Divate, Gen-Hung Chen, Rupesh D. Divate , Bor-Rung Ou, Yun-Chin Chung*.(2017). Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for improvement in stresses tolerance.. Bioengineered, Vol. 8, No. 5, p.p524-535 [SCI]. |
2017 | Rupesh D Divate, Pei-Ming Wang, Chiun-Chuang Wang, Su-Tze Chou, Chen-Tien Chang and Yun-Chin Chung*(2017). Protective effect of medicinal fungus Xylaria nigripes mycelia extracts against hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Vol. 30, No. 1, p.p105-112 [SCI]. |
2017 | Rupesh D Divate, Chiun-Chuang Wang, Su-Tze Chou, Chen-Tien Chang, Pei-Ming Wang, and Yun-Chin Chung*(2017). Production of Xylaria nigripes-fermented grains by solid-state fermentation and an assessment of their resulting bioactivity. LWT-Food Science and Technology, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2017 | Rupesh D Divate, and Yun-Chin Chung*(2017). In vitro and in vivo assessment of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Xylaria nigripes mycelium. Journal of Functional Foods, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2017 | 1. Lianzhong Ai,Yun-Chin Chung, Kee-Ching G. Jeng , Phoency F.-H. Lai ,Shu-Chen Yeh, Kuan Ching Lee , Syuan-Yu Lin, Yongjun Xia, Guangqiang Wang, and Steve W. Cui.(2017). Antioxidant hydrocolloids from herb Graptopetalum paraguayense leaves show anti-colon cancer cells and anti-neuroinflammatory potentials. Food Hydrycolloids, Vol. 73, No. 0, p.p51-59 [SCI]. |
2016 | Jyun-Kai Jhan, Yun-Chin Chung, Gen-Hung Chen, Chih-Hsiang, Chang Ying-Chen Lu, and Cheng-Kuang Hsu(2016). An thocyanins contents in the seed coat of black soybean and their anti-human tyrosinase activity and antioxidative activity. Journal of Cosmetic Science, Vol. 38, No. 3, p.p319-324 [SCI]. |
2016 | Chen-Tien Chang, Yen-Lu Lin, Shu-Wei Lu, Chun-Wei Huang, Yu-Ting Wang and Yun-Chin Chung*(2016). Characterization of a chitosanase from jelly fig (Ficus awkeotsang Makino) latex and its application for the production of water-soluble low-molecular-weight chitosans.. Plos one, Vol. 11, No. 3, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2016 | Yan-Kuan Chiang, Yeshwant Ramchandra Bhorge, Rupesh D. Divate, Yun-Chin Chung, Yao-Pin Uen(2016). A new Schiff base chemodosimeter : selective colorimetric and fluorescent detectin of Fe (III). Journal of Fluorescent, Vol. 26, No. 5, p.p1699-1708 [SCI]. |
2016 | Nileema R. Divate, Gen-Hung Chen, Bor-Rung Ou, Pei-Ming Wang, Yun-Chin Chung*(2016). Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for improvement in ethanol tolerance by accumulation of trehalose.. Bioengineered, Vol. 7, No. 6, p.p445-458 [SCI]. |
2015 | Wen-Wan Chao, Yun-Chin Chung, I-Ping Shih, Hsun-Yen WangSu-Tze Chou, and Cheng-Kuang Hsu*(2015). Red Bean Extract Inhibits LPS-Induced Inflammation and H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in RAW 264.7 Macrophages. Journal of Medicinal Food, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2015 | Jyun-Kai Jhan, Wei-Fen Chang, Pei-Ming Wang, Su-Tze Chou and Yun-Chin Chung*(2015). Production of fermented red beans with multiple bioactivities using co-cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus. LWT-Food Science and Technology, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2015 | Yan-Zi Chen, Yeshwant Ramchandra Bhorge, Albert J. Pape, Rupesh D. Divate, Yun-Chin Chung, Yao-Pin Uen.(2015). A new Schiff base chemodosimeter for fluorescent imaging of ferric ions in living cells. Journal of Fluorescent, Vol. 25, No. 0, p.p1321-1337 [SCI]. |
2014 | Ya-Min Chang, Yu-Jing Lee, Junn-Wang Liao, Jyun-Kai Jhan, Chen-Tien Chang**, Yun-Chin Chung*(2014). In vitro and in vivo safety evaluation of low molecular weight chitosans prepared by hydrolyzing crab shell chitosans with bamboo shoots chitosanase.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol. 71, No. 0, p.p10-16 [SCI]. |
2014 | Ya-Min Chang, Li-Chun Chen, Hsin-Yi Wang, Chui-Liang Chiang, Chen-Tien Chang*, Yun-Chin Chung**(2014). Characterization of an acidic chitinase from seeds of black soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr Tainan No.3). Plos One, Vol. 9, No. 12, p.p1-15 [SCI]. |
2013 | Su-Tze Chou, Yun-Chin Chung , Hsin-Yi Peng, Mei-Yu Chuang , Jen-Chieh Ho, Cheng-Kuang Hsu*(2013). Improving antioxidant status in aged mice by 50% ethanol extract from red bean fermented by Bacillus subtilis.. J. Sci.Food Agri., Vol. 93, No. 10, p.p2562-2567 [SCI]. |
2013 | Gen-Hung Chen, Feng-Sheng Huang, Yen-Chang Lin, Cheng-Kuang Hsu, and Yun-Chin Chung*.(2013). Effects of water extract from anaerobic fermented Toona sinensis Roem on the expression of antioxidant enzymes in the Sprague-Dawley Rats. J. Functional Foods., Vol. 5, No. 2, p.p773-780 [SCI]. |
2012 | Yun-Chin Chung,Su-Tze Chou, Jyun-Kai, Jhan, Junn-Wang Liao, Shu-Ju Chen(2012). In vitro and in vivo safety of aqueous extracts of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 140:, No. 0, p.p91-97 [SCI]. |
2012 | Shou-Kuo Hsu, Yun-Chin Chung, Chen-Tien Chang, Hsien-Yi Sung(2012). Purification and Characterization of Two Chitosanase Isoforms from the Sheaths of Bamboo Shoots. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Vol. 60, No. 0, p.p649-657 [SCI]. |
2012 | Shou-Kuo Hsu ,Yun-Chin Chung, Chen-Tien Chang, Hsien-Yi Sung(2012). Purification and characterization of two acidic peroxidase isoforms from the sheaths of bamboo shoots. Int. J . Food Sci. Technol., Vol. 47, No. 9, p.p1872-1881 [SCI]. |
2012 | Chen-Tien Chang,Pei-Minhg Wang, Ya-Fang Hung, and Yun-Chin Chung*(2012). Purification and biochemical properties of fibrinolytic enzyme from Bacillus subtilis-fermented red bean. food Chem, Vol. 133, No. 4, p.p1611-1617 [SCI]. |
2012 | Su-Tze Chou, Yu-Ru Chan, and Yun-Chin Chung*(2012). Studies on the Antimutagenicity and Antioxidant Activity of Hot Water Extract from Glechoma hederacea.. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 3, p.p637-645 [SCI]. |
2012 | Li-Chun Chen, Yun-Chin Chung*and Chen-Tien Chang*(2012). Characterisation of an acidic peroxidase from papaya (Carica papaya L. cv Tainung No. 2) latex and its application in the determination of micromolar hydrogen peroxide in milk.. Food Chem., Vol. 135, No. 0, p.p2529-2535 [SCI]. |
2011 | Li-Chun Chen, Yun-Chin Chung, Ya-Min Chang and Chen-Tien Chang*(2011). Characterization of a β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from a commercial papaya latex preparation.. Food Chemistry, Vol. 124, No. 0, p.p1404-1410 [SCI]. |
2011 | Ya-Min Chang, Yun-Chin Chung, Chia-Chen Hsu, Li-Chun Chen, Chui-Liang Chiang, Chen-Tien Chang and Hsien-Yi Sung(2011). Biochemical characterization of a b-N-acetylhexosaminidase from fig latex. Botanical Studies., Vol. 52, No. 1, p.p23-34 [SCI]. |
2011 | Gow-Cin Yen, Hsin-Tang Lin, Ying-Huey Cheng, Yi-Juan Lin, Shih-Chieh Chang, Shyi-Dong Yeh, Yin-Ching Chan, Yun-Chin Chung and Jiunn-Wang Liao(2011). Food Safety Evaluation of Genotoxicity and 28-Day Repeated Feeding Toxicity of Papaya Fruits Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis., Vol. 19, No. 3, p.p269-280 [SCI]. |
2011 | Ya-Min Chang, Chen-Tien Chang, Tzu-Chuan Huang, Shih-Ming Chen, Jen-Ai Lee, Yun-Chin Chung*(2011). Effects of low molecular weight chitosans on aristolochic acid-induced renal lesions in mice. Food Chem, Vol. 129, No. 4, p.p1751-1758 [SCI]. |
2009 | Jiunn-Wang Liao, Jan-Ying Yeh , Yen-Chang Lin , Ming-Min Wei and Yun-Chin Chung .(2009). Mutagenicity and safety evaluation of water extract of fermented Toona sinensis Roemor leaves.. Journal of Food Science., Vol. 74, No. 1, p.p7-13 [SCI]. |
2009 | Chen-Tien Chang, Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Su-Tze Chou, Ya-Chen Chen, Feng-Sheng Huang, Yun-Chin Chung*(2009). Effect of fermentation time on the antioxidant activities of tempeh prepared from fermented soybean using Rhizopus oligosporus.. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., Vol. 44, No. 4, p.p799-806 [SCI]. |
2009 | Kuang-Hao Hsu, Chi Pei, Jan-Ying Yeh, Chung-Hsung Shih, Yun-Chin Chung, Lien-Tsung Hung, Bor-Rung Ou*(2009). Production of bioactive human α-defensin 5 in Pichia pastoris.. The Journal of general and applied microbiology, Vol. 55, No. 0, p.p395-401 [SCI]. |
2009 | Chung, Yun-Chin, Shu-Ju Chen1, Hsin-Yi Peng, Su-Tze Chou(2009). Antihypertensive and antioxidant effects of the Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther extract in spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Sci.Food Agri., Vol. 89, No. 0, p.p2678-2686 [SCI]. |
2008 | Chung, Y.C., Chiang, B.H., Wei, J.H., Wang, C.K., Chen, P.C., and * Hsu, C.K.(2008). Effects of blanching, drying and extraction processes on the antioxidant activities of yam (Dioscorea alata).. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol, Vol. 43, No. 5, p.p859-864 [SCI]. |
2008 | Su-Tze Chou, Wen-Wan Chao and Yun-Chin Chung*.(2008). Effect of Fermentation on the Antioxidant activity of red beans (Phaseolus radiatus L. var. Aurea) ethanolic extract.. International journal of food science and technology, Vol. 43, No. 8, p.p1371-1378 [SCI]. |
2008 | Su-Tze Chou, Yun-Chin Chung, Kai-Yun Teng2, Jan-Ying Yeh*(2008). .Effects of Graptopetalum paraguayense extract on tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress.. J. Sci.Food Agri., Vol. 88, No. 3, p.p429-434 [SCI]. |
2008 | Shu-Ju Chen, Jing-Gung Chung, Yun-Chin Chung, Su-Tze Chou(2008). In vitro antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the stem extracts from Graptopetalum paraguayense. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 36, No. 2, p.p369-383 [SCI]. |
2007 | Chung, Y.C., Chiang, B.H., Chen, P.C., Huang, P.C., and Hsu, C.K.(2007). Effect of storage on the gel-forming properties of yam-containing surimi gels.. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., Vol. 42, No. 5, p.p518-522 [SCI、其它、]. |
2007 | Chen, S.J, Chang, C.T.,Chung, Y.C., and Chou, ST(2007). Studies on the inhibitory effect of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther extracts on the angiotensin converting enzyme. Food Chemistry, Vol. 100, No. 3, p.p1032-1036 [SCI]. |
2007 | Tung, M.Y., Chang, C.T., and *Chung, Y.C.(2007). Biochemical properties of genetic recombinant xylanase II.. Appl. Biochem. Biotech., Vol. 136, No. 0, p.p1-16 [SCI]. |
2007 | Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Chen-Tien Chang, Hsin-Yi Lu , Yun-Chin Chung *(2007). Inhibitory effects of the water extracts of Lavendula sp. on mushroom tyrosinase activity. Food Chemistry, Vol. 105, No. 3, p.p1099-1105 [SCI]. |
2007 | Jiunn-Wang Liao, Yun-Chin Chungb, Jan-Ying Yeh, Yen-Chang Lin, Yo-Giao Lin, Shu-Mi Wu and Yin-Ching Chan*(2007). Safety evaluation of water extracts of Toona sinensis Roemor leaf. Food and Chemical Toxicology., Vol. 45, No. 8, p.p1393-1399 [SCI]. |
2007 | Yun-Chin Chung , Cheng-Kuang Hsub, Chih-Yuan Ko and Yin-Ching Chan*(2007). Dietary intake of xylooligosaccharides improve the intestinal microbiota, fecal moisture and pH value in the elderly.. Nutrition Resaerch, Vol. 27, No. 12, p.p756-761 [SCI]. |
2006 | Chung, Y.C., Chien, C. T. Teng, K.Y. and Chou, S.T.(2006). Antioxidative and mutagenic properties of Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Sieb & zucc.. Food Chem., Vol. 97, No. 3, p.p418-425 [SCI]. |
2006 | Chou, S.T., Chiang, B.H., Chung, Y.C., Chen, P.C., and Hsu, C.K.(2006). Effects of storage temperatures on the antioxidative activity and composition of yam.. Food Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 4, p.p618-623 [SCI]. |
2005 | Chung, Y. C., Hsu, C.K., Chang, C.T. and Chou, S. T.(2005). Studies on the antioxidative activity of Graptopetalum paraguayense E Walther. Food Chemistry., Vol. 91, No. 3, p.p419-424 [SCI、其它、]. |
2005 | Chung, Y.C., Bakalinsky, A. and Penner, M. H(2005). Enymatic saccahrification and fermentation of xylose-optimized dilute acid-treated lignocellulosics. Appl. Biochem. Biotech., Vol. 124, No. 1-3, p.p0947-0962 [SCI]. |
2005 | Chou, S.T., Chen,S.J. Yeh, J. Y. and Chung, Y.C.(2005). Antimutagenic Potential of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther Extracts.. Food Science and Agriculture Chemistry, Vol. 43, No. 5, p.p349-357 [其它]. |
2005 | 陳淑茹,周淑姿,鄧凱云,鍾雲琴(2005)。以安姆試驗評估石蓮萃取物之抗氧化突變作用。台灣農化與食品科學,第43卷,第5期,頁335-340 [其它]。 |
2004 | 詹社紅,鍾雲琴,張珍田,詹恭巨(2004)。寡醣之攝取對成年大鼠糞便內容物及腸道菌群之影響。臺灣農化與食品科學,第0卷,第0期,頁0-0 [其它]。 |
2004 | Hsu, C.K., Liao, J.W., Chung, Y. C., Hsieh, C. P., Chan, Y. C.(2004). Effects of Xylooligosaccharides on the Intestinal Microbiota and Colon Precancerous Lesion in Rats. Nutrition, Vol. 134, No. 0, p.p1523-1528 [SCI、其它、]. |
2003 | Chou, S. T., Chao, W. W. and Chung, Y. C.(2003). Antioxidative activitiy and safety of 50% ethanolic red bean extract (Phaseolus radiatus L. var. Aurea). J. Food Sci., Vol. 68, No. 1, p.p21-25 [SCI]. |
2003 | Hsu, C.K., Jiang, S.T., Chen, H.C. and Chung, Y.C.(2003). Antimicrobial Activities of Xylooligosaccharide Fermentation Broths using Bifidobacteria and Propionibacteria. Food Sci. and Agri. Chem., Vol. 5, No. 0, p.p13-26 [其它]. |
2002 | Chung, Y.C., Chang, C.T., Chao, W.W., Lin, C.F. and Chou, S.T.(2002). Antioxidative activity and safety of the 50% ethanolic extract from red bean fermented by Bacillus subtilis IMR-NK1. J.Agric.Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 8, p.p2454-2458 [SCI]. |
2002 | Chou, S. T., Chang, C.T., Chao, W.W and Chung, Y.C.(2002). Evaluation of Antioxidative and mutagenic properties of the 50% Ethanolic Extract from Red Bean Fermented by Aspergillus oryzae. J. Food Prot, Vol. 65, No. 9, p.p1463-1469 [SCI]. |
2002 | 許成光,江善宗,陳曉菁,鍾雲琴(2002)。Bifidobacterium bifidum生長及抑菌作用於不同培養基之表現。臺灣農化與食品科學,第40卷,第5期,頁385-389 [其它]。 |
2002 | 鍾雲琴,謝嘉佩,詹吟菁(2002)。寡木醣對ICR小鼠腸道功能之影響。臺灣農化與食品科學,第40卷,第5期,頁377-384 [其它]。 |
2001 | Tzeng, Shinn-Shuenn, Chen, Gen-Huang, Chung, Yun-Chin and Jiang, Shann-Tzann-Tzong(2001). Expression of soluble form carp (Cyprinus carpio) Ovarian Cystatin in Escherichia coli and its purification. J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 49, No. 9, p.p4224-4230 [SCI]. |
2000 | Chung, Y.C., Chen, H.C., Shyu, Y.T. and Hua, J.(2000). Temperature and water effects on the biodeterioration for marine fuel oil. Fuel, Vol. 79, No. 0, p.p1525-1532 [SCI]. |
2000 | Chung, Y.C., Ho, M.L., Chyan, F.L. and Jiang, S.T.(2000). Utilization of freeze-dried mackerel (Scomber australasicus) muscle proteins as a binder in restructured meat. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, Vol. 66, No. 1, p.p130-135 [SCI]. |
2000 | Jiang, Shann-Tzong, Hsieh, Jung-Feng, Ho, Ming-Lung and Chung, Yun-Chin(2000). Combination Effects of Microbial transglutaminase, reducing agent and protease inhibitor on the quality of Hairtail surimi. J. Food Sci., Vol. 65, No. 2, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2000 | Jiang, Shann-Tzong, Hsieh, Jung-Feng, Ho, Ming-Lung and Chung, Yun-Chin(2000). Microbial transglutaminase affects gel properties of Golden Threadfin-Bream and Pollack surimi. J. Food Sci., Vol. 65, No. 4, p.p694-699 [SCI]. |
1999 | Chung, Y.C. and Shyu.T.(1999). The effects of pH, salt and temperatures on the physical properties of Bacterial cellulose (Nata). I. J. Food Sci. Tech, Vol. 34, No. 0, p.p3-26 [SCI]. |
1999 | Meunier-Goodik, L., Bothweel, M., Sangseethong, K., Piyachomkwan, K., Chung, Y.C., Thammasouk, K., Djuhartini, T. and Penner, M.H.(1999). Assesment of physicochemical properties of pretreated feedstocks during simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Vol. 24, No. 10, p.p667-674 [SCI]. |
1997 | Chung,Y.C., Bakalinsky, A., and Penner, M.H.(1997). Analysis of biomass cellulose in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation processes. Appl. Biochem. Biotech, Vol. 66, No. 0, p.p249-262 [SCI]. |
1996 | Vasana, C.,Weerasinghe, V.C., Morrissey, M.T., Chung, Y.C., and An, H.(1996). Whey protein concentrate as a proteinase inhibitor in Pacific whiting surimi. J. Food Sci., Vol. 61, No. 1, p.p1-5 [SCI]. |
1994 | Chung, Y.C., Gebrehiwot, A, Farkas, D.F., and Morrissey, M.T.(1994). Gelation of surimi by high hydrostatic pressure.. J. Food Sci., Vol. 59, No. 0, p.p523-524 [SCI]. |
1993 | Chung, Y.C., Richardson, L, and Morrissey, M.T.(1993). Effects of pH and NaCl on gel strength of Pacific whiting surimi.. J. Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 2, No. 0, p.p19-35 [SCI]. |
1993 | Hsu, C.K., Kolbe, E, Morrissey, M.T., and Chung, Y.C.(1993). Protein denaturation of frozen Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) fillets.. J. Food Sci., Vol. 58, No. 0, p.p1055-1056 [SCI]. |

年度 | 參考文獻格式 |
2024 | Yun-Chin Chung and Yu-Chen Li(20240630~20240703), Utilization of Yeasts with Mannoprotein Overexpression for Red Wine Fermentation and the Potential of Their Wine Lees in Wound Healing. ECB2024, ECB 2024. |
2024 | Katharina Ardanareswari, Chih-Yuan Tan, Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Yun-Chin Chung(20240630~20240703), Non-competitive Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase by Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) Peel Ethanolic Extracts, ECB 2024. |
2024 | Cing-Fang Yao and Yun-Chin Chung(20240630~20240703), Production of sour beer by co-fermentation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ECB 2024. |
2024 | Ying-Tae Shih and Yun-Chin Chung(20240630~20240703), Preparation of magnesium-enriched Lactobacillus rhamnosus, ECB 2024. |
2024 | 許雅淇、石穎達、林怡瑄、鍾雲琴(20240713~20240713),早產兒出生周齡與建立腸道菌相之關係性分析,112年度台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學合作計畫成果發表會摘要。 |
2023 | 張昊成、鍾雲琴、王培銘(20231124~20231124),酵素對麻竹筍管質地軟化效果之評估,台灣食品科學技術學會第53次年會暨研討會摘要。 |
2022 | 李雨蓁、王培銘、鍾雲琴(20221209~20221209),利用甘露醣蛋白大量表現之釀酒酵母發酵紅酒並探討酒泥於傷口癒合之應用潛力,台灣食品科學技術學會第51次年會暨研討會摘要。 |
2022 | 胡麗璇、詹社紅、 鍾雲琴(20221209~20221209),樹葡萄酒中的抗氧化活性物質及其對惡性腦瘤細胞T98G 的生長抑制作用,食品科技學會第51次會員大會暨研討會摘要。 |
2022 | 張家齊、鍾雲琴、王培銘(20221209~20221209),使用黃豆殼基質進行藥用真菌Phellinus linteus液態發酵之抗氧化活性,台灣食品科學技術學會第51次年會暨研討會摘要。 |
2022 | 鍾雲琴(20221029~20221029),母乳菌相及腸道菌相對早產兒消化能力之影響,110年度台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學合作計畫成果發表會摘要。 |
2021 | Josephine-Claretta Budiman, Bernadeta Soedarini, Pei-Ming Wang, Yun-Chin Chung(20211126~20211126),Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) Fruit Extract in Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced Inflammation of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo,食品科技學會第50次會員大會暨研討會摘要。 |
2021 | Katharina Ardanareswari, Webiana Lowisia, Yun-Chin Chung(20211126~20211126),Yun-Chin Chung. Jaboticaba whole fruit ethanolic extract decrease aberrant crypt foci (ACF) count in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced Sprague Dawley rats.,台灣食品科學技術學會第50次年會暨研討會摘要。 |
2020 | 温淨錞,鍾雲琴,周淑姿(20201204~20201204),探討納豆菌及乳酸菌共同發酵紅豆 (Phaseolus angularis) 萃取物對人類肝癌細胞生長之影響,台灣食品科技學會第49次會員大會摘要。 |
2020 | Katharin Ardanareswaria, Jiunn-Wang Liao, Webiana Lowisiaa, , Shin-Yee Yong, Mei-Jen Huang, Yun-Chin Chung(20201204~20201204),Acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity of jaboticaba peel extracts,台灣食品科技學會第49次會員大會摘要。 |
2020 | Webiana Lowisiaa, Katharina Ardanareswaria, Yun-Chin Chung(20201204~20201204),Modulation ofGut Microbiota Composition and Short Chain Fatty Acid Production by Jaboticaba Extract in DMH-induced rats.,台灣食品科技學會第49次會員大會摘要。 |
2018 | Yun-Chin Chung, Po-Chun Hsu, Bo-Kang Liou, Rupesh D. Divate, Yao-Lin Weng(20180823~20180824), Characteristics of red wine fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with ability of over-expression mannoproteins, Agricultural & Food Chemistry 2018. |
2018 | 廖韋傑 、 石信德 、 鍾雲琴 、 王培銘(20181130~20181130),利用液態培養藥用真菌Phellinus linteus菌絲體生產hispidin之培養基最適化,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2018 | 梁紫婷、陳俊宏、鍾雲琴(20181130~20181130),沙梨萃取物抑制蘑菇酪胺酸酶活性之探討,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2018 | 張偉宏、詹社紅、王培銘、鍾雲琴(20181130~20181130),紅葡萄酒對人類多型性惡性神經膠質母細胞瘤之抑制作用,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2018 | 林宏樺、黃珮茹、陳俊宏、鍾雲琴(20181130~20181130),Chitin deacetylase-chitosanase雙功能重組酵素之製備,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2017 | 楊欣怡、王培銘、王正新、鍾雲琴(20171201~20171201),探討嘉寶果籽萃取物之抗氧化功效,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2017 | 吳盈慧、鍾雲琴、王正新、王培銘(20171201~20171201),台灣黑糖液kefir grains乳酸菌分離株之益生特性分析,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2017 | 溫淨錞、陳暠廷、林采樺、鍾雲琴、周淑姿(20171201~20171201),經納豆菌及乳酸菌共同發酵紅豆其抗氧化活性探討,台灣食品科技學會第47次會員大會。 |
2017 | 楊原凱;林映汝;王培銘;鍾雲琴;周淑姿;張珍田(20170624~20170624),桑黃 (Phellinus linteus) 子實體乙醇萃取物之糖化終產物及特定酵素抑制活性研究,台灣農業化學會第五十五次會員大會。 |
2017 | 林映汝;蘇嘉淇;呂書瑋;周淑姿;鍾雲琴;張珍田(20170624~20170624),酵素法製備水溶性低分子量幾丁聚醣衍生物及其生物活性,台灣農業化學會第五十五次會員大會。 |
2017 | 林映汝;蘇嘉淇;呂書瑋;周淑姿;鍾雲琴;張珍田(20170624~20170624),水溶性低分子量幾丁聚醣衍生物之抗氧化活性及其對H2O2誘發PC12細胞損傷之保護作用,台灣農業化學會第五十五次會員大會。 |
2017 | 林映汝;蘇嘉淇;呂書瑋;周淑姿;鍾雲琴;張珍田(20170624~20170624),沒食子酸低分子量幾丁聚醣衍生物製備及其生物活性,台灣農業化學會第五十五次會員大會。 |
2016 | 李淨茹;吳寬澤;鍾雲琴;王培銘(20161202~20161202),桑黃子實體、液態培養菌絲體與固態培養菌絲體萃取物之抗氧化活性,台灣食品科技學會第46次年會。 |
2015 | 黃珮茹;陳俊宏;Nileema R. Divate;王培銘; 鍾雲琴(20151204~20151204),構築可大量表現醛類還原酶之啤酒酵母菌以提升其酒精及醛類耐受性,台灣食品科技學會第43次會員大會。 |
2015 | Rupesh D. Divate ;王培銘;王俊權;周淑姿;張珍田;鍾雲琴(20151204~20151204),利用麥麩及黃豆粕作為固態發酵基質生產具有生物活性之黑柄炭角菌,台灣食品科技學會第43次會員大會。 |
2015 | 詹鈞凱; 許成光; 廖俊旺; 鍾雲琴(20151204~20151204),黑豆種皮中花青素之種類鑑定與含量分析以及對大鼠CCl4誘發急性肝損傷之保護力評估,台灣食品科技學會第43次會員大會。 |
2015 | 鍾佳倫:王培銘; Rupesh D. Divate; 鍾雲琴; 張珍田(20150630~20150630),黑柄炭角菌發酵固態產物之alpha-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性,台灣農業化學會第五十三次會員大會。 |
2015 | 簡思嘉; 林映汝; 張連倪; 周淑姿; 鍾雲琴; 張珍田(20150630~20150630),幾丁寡醣之自由基清除活性及乙醯膽鹼酯酶抑制活性,台灣農業化學會第五十三次會員大會。 |
2015 | 呂書瑋; Rupesh D. Divate; Nileema Divate; 張連倪; 周淑姿; 鍾雲琴; 張珍田(20150630~20150630),水溶性低分子量幾丁聚醣之抗氧化活性及神經細胞保護作用,台灣農業化學會第五十三次會員大會。 |
2015 | Szu-Chia Chien, Ying-Ju Lin, Chen-Tien Chang, Su-Tze Chou,Yun-Chin Chung(20151122~20151125), Free radical scavenging and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of chitooligosaccharides, ICoFF2015. |
2015 | Shu-Wei Lu, Chen-Tien Chang, Su-Tze Chou, Yun-Chin Chung(20151122~20151125), Preparation and free radical scavenging activities of water-soluble low-molecular-weight chitosan derivatives, ICoFF2015. |
2014 | Cheng-Kuang Hsu,Wei-Fen Chang, Pei-Ming Wang, Yun-Chin Chung*(20140623~20140626), Optimum fermentation conditions for production of fermented red beans with multi-bioactivities using co-cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii sp. Bulgaricus, International Scientific Conference on probiotics and Prebiotics – IPC2014. |
2014 | Yun-Chin Chung, Wei-Fen Chang, Pei-Ming Wang, Cheng-Kuang Hsu(20140623~20140626), Differentiation of Bacillus subtilis from Lactobacillus delbrueckii in the co-culture conditions for fermenting red beans., International Scientific Conference on probiotics and Prebiotics – IPC2014. |
2014 | Ya-Min Chang, Yu-Jing Lee, Junn-Wang Liao, Jyun-Kai Jhan, Chen-Tien Chang, Yun-Chin Chung*(20140722~20140726), In vitro and in vivo safety evaluation of low molecular weight chitosans prepared by hydrolyzing crab shell chitosans with bamboo shoots chitosanase, 2014 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering. |
2014 | Po-Chun Hsu, Su-Tze Chou,Pei-Ming Wang,Chiun-Chuang Wang, Chen-Tien Chang and Yun-Chin Chung*.(20140818~20140821), Optimum fermentation conditions for production of Bacillus subtilis-fermented red beanwith multiple biological functions, IUFoST2014. |
2014 | Tzu-Min Lai , Po-Chun Hsu, Cheng-Kuang Hsu,Su-Tze Chou, Pei-Ming Wang,You-Min Hsie,and Yun-Chin Chung*(20140818~20140821), Characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with ability of over-expression mannoproteins under ethanol fermentation, IUFoST2014. |
2013 | Jyun-Kai Jhan, Wei-Hsuan Lin, Yun-Chin Chung, Junn-Wang Liao, Cheng-Kuang Hsu.(20130713~20130716), Protective Function of Black Soybean Tea Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Damage in Sprague-Dawley Rats, The 2013 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2013 | Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Wei-Fen Chang, Yun-Chin Chung(20130708~20130709), Production of red beans with multi-bioactivities using co-cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii sp. bulgaricus, International conference of food and nutrition 2013. |
2013 | 張維芬;王培銘;周淑姿;鍾雲琴(20131130~20131130),以納豆菌及乳酸菌共同發酵開發具多重保健功能之紅豆產品,台灣食品科技學會第42次 (第21屆第2次)會員大會。 |
2013 | Li, Kuo-Yuan;Chan, Wan-Ching;Chang, Lien-Ni;Peng, Hsin-Yi;Chung, Yun-Chin;Chou, Su-Tze(20131122~20131122), Effect of water extracts from Glechoma hederacea on antioxidative status in rat., 2013 Annual Conference of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF).. |
2013 | 王培銘;黃義承;鍾雲琴(20131105~20131109),利用黑糖液克弗爾顆粒之微生物分離株PU01生產胞外多醣.,臺灣乳酸菌協會2013年學術研討會。 |
2013 | Li, Kuo-Yuan;Chan, Wan-Ching;Chang, Lien-Ni;Peng, Hsin-Yi;Chung, Yun-Chin;Chou, Su-Tze(20131029~20131101), Subtoxicity evaluation of water extracts from Glechoma hederacea., The 3 rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Food Safety. |
2013 | Chang, Ya-Min;Chang, Chen-Tien;Chung, Yun-Chin(20130708~20130709), Purification and properties of chitinase from black bean (Glycine max (L) Merr Tainan No.3)., International conference of food and nutrition 2013. |
2012 | Rupesh Divate, Phoency Lai, Yun-Chin Chung.(20120624~20120629), Immunoactivities of bioactive components in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell wall., 2012 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2012 | Jyun-Kai Jhan, Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Yun-Chin Chung(20120624~20120629), Polyphenol, Flavanoid, and Anthocyanin Contents in the Seed coat of Black Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), 2012 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2012 | 張維芬;王培銘;周淑姿;鍾雲琴(20121130~20121130),以納豆菌及乳酸菌共同發酵開發具多重保健功能之紅豆產品.,台灣食品科學技術學會第42次年會。 |
2012 | 劉育明;鍾雲琴;王培銘(20121130~20121130),金針菇、杏鮑菇與木耳栽培太空包廢棄基質萃取物之抗氧化活性.,台灣食品科學技術學會第42次年會。 |
2012 | Peng, Hsin-Yi;Shih, Ying;Lin, Yu-Che;Chan, Wan-Ching;Chung, Yun-Chin;Chou, Su-Tze(20120624~20120629), Inhibitory effect of Achillea millefolium L. essential oil on melanogenesis in melanoma B16 cells., 2012 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2012 | Chang, Wen-Lun;Chung, Jing-Gung;Shih, Ying;Chung, Yun-Chin;Chou, Su-Tze(20120624~20120629), The effects of the essential oil from Cinnamomum cassia (L.) J. Presl on the cell growth and DNA damage in human oral squamous cell carcinoma HSC-3 cells., 2012 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2011 | Yuu-Ru Chan , Cheng-Kuang Hsu , Yun-Chin Chung, Su-Tze Chou(20110605~20110608), Antioxidant activities and genotoxicity of Glechoma hederacea, 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition.. |
2011 | Ya-Min Chang, Chen-Tien Chang, Tzu-Chuan Huang, Shih-Ming Chen, Jen-Ai Lee, Yun-Chin Chung*(20110605~20110608), Effects of low molecular weight chitosans on aristolochic acid-induced renal lesions in mice, 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition.. |
2011 | Jyun-Kai Jhan, Yun-Chin Chung, Cheng-Kuang Hsu.(20110605~20110608), In vitro anti-melanogenesis effect of 50% ethanol extract from seed coat of black soybean, 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition.. |
2011 | 紀旻秀;陳俊宏;鍾雲琴(20111202~20111202),Saccharomyces cerevisiae之醛還原酶基因選殖與表現,台灣食品科技學會第四十一次年會。 |
2011 | 詹鈞凱;許成光;周淑姿;鍾雲琴(20111202~20111202),利用不同溶劑萃取黑豆種皮之花青素.,台灣食品科技學會第四十一次年會。 |
2011 | 吳鎮宇;王培銘;鍾雲琴(20111202~20111202),比較寡孢根菌及枯草桿菌發酵之豆粕其水萃物之抗氧化活性及對血管收縮素轉換酶之影響.,台灣食品科技學會第四十一次年會。 |
2011 | 林玟繽;鍾雲琴;王培銘(20111202~20111202),食用菇雪耳液態培養生產菌絲體多醣之培養基組成最適化.,台灣食品科技學會第四十一次年會。 |
2011 | 黃義承, 鍾雲琴, 王培銘(20111028~20111028),影響台灣糖液克弗爾顆粒狀物質產量的因素.,臺灣乳酸菌協會2011年學術研討會。 |
2011 | Chen, Shu-Ju;Lai, Chia-Pei;Chung, Yun-Chin;Chou, Su-Tze(20111120~20111123),The antioxidative activity and safety of the Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther water extract in Sprague Dawely rats.,2011 International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF)。 |
2011 | Chen, Shu-Ju;Lai, Chia-Pei;Chou, Su-Tze;Chung, Yun-Chin(20111120~20111123),The genotoxicity and acute oral toxicity of water extract of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther.,2011 International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF)。 |
2011 | Peng, Hsin-Yi;Chuang, Mei-Yu;Ho, Jen-Chieh;Liu, Shang-Tzu;Chung, Yun-Chin(20111120~20111123),Effect of red bean and the bean fermented by Bacillus subtilis extracts on life span of mice.,2011International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF)。 |
2011 | Chung, Yun-Chin;Peng, Hsin-Yi;Ho, Jen-Chieh;Shih, I-Ping;Chou, Su-Tze(20111201~20111203), Effect of red bean and the bean fermented by Bacillus subtilis extracts on antioxidative status in aged mice., The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization / The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology.. |
2010 | Chang, C.T., Huang, Y.F., and Chung, Y.C.(20100914~20100918), Purification and characterization of fibrinolytic enzyme from Bacillus subtilis-fermented red beans, the 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (14th IBS). |
2010 | Hsu, C.K., Chou, S.T., Tseng, C.Y., Chung, Yun-Chin(20100914~20100918), Antioxidant activity of Bacillus subtilis-fermented red beans in vitro and in vivo, the 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (14th IBS). |
2009 | 梁碧純、廖俊旺、鍾雲琴、王銘富、葉汶沁、陳玟玟、洪淑貞、楊珊盈、詹吟菁.(20090213~20090213),天貝對老化促進小鼠老化現象影響之探討.,台灣保健食品學會第十一次會員大會。 |
2009 | 黃鈺婷、林雅芳、鍾雲琴.(20090213~20090213),探討納豆天貝抗氧化能力、溶解血纖維蛋白及抑制血管收縮素活性之效力評估.,台灣保健食品學會第十一次會員大會。 |
2009 | Lai, P.*, Chung, Y.-C., and Lee, K.-C.(20090622~20090625), Anti-proliferation on human Caco-2 cells of food polysaccharide preparations with different molecular weights., The 15th Gums and stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference. |
2009 | Lai, P.*, Lin, S.Y., Jeng K.-C. G., and Chung, Y.-C.(20090622~20090625), Immunomodulatory activities of food polysaccharides with various structural and molecular properties, The 15th Gums and stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference. |
2009 | Lai, P.*, Chung, Y.-C., Lin, S.-Y., and Jeng K.-C. G.(20090622~20090625), Immunomodulation activities of carrageenan preparations with different molecular weights., The 15th Gums and stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference. |
2009 | Hsu, Cheng-Kuang;Huang, Yu-Ting;Lin, Ya-Fang;Chung, Yun-Chin(20090913~20090916), Mechanisms study on the antihypertensive effect of water extract from Natto-tempeh, 14th European Congress on Biotechnology. |
2008 | Chung, Y.C., Hsu, C.K., Huang, F.S., Lin, Y.C., Wei, M.M.(20080506~20080509), Effects of water extract from anaerobically fermented Toona sinensis Roem on the gene expressions of antioxidant enzymes, 3rd Asia Pacific Conference, Nutrigenomics 08. |
2008 | Hsu, C.K., Mong, M.C., Wang, C.K., Chung, Y.C., Hsueh, Y.P.(20080506~20080509), Inhibitory Effect Toward Tyrosinase Activity Of The Ethanol Extract From Grape., 3rd Asia Pacific Conference, Nutrigenomics 08. |
2008 | Tsung-Sheng Kuo, Jiunn-Wang Liao, Ya-Fang Lin, Ming-Min Wei, Yun-Chin Chung.(20081018~20081025), Safety evaluation of water extract of tempeh., 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology. |
2008 | Feng-Sheng Huang, Cheng-Kuang Hsu,Yu-Ying Huang, Yun-Chin Chung(20081018~20081025), Effects of Water Extract from Anaerobically fermented Toona sinensis Roemor Leaves on The Gene Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes., 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology.. |
2008 | Yu-Ru Chan, Yun-Chin Chung, Hui-Chen Peng, Su-Tze Chou(20081018~20081025), Studies on the mutagenic and antimutagenic properties of Glechoma hederacea., 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology.. |
2008 | Yu-Ping Yu, Yin-Ching Chan , Jiunn-Wang Liao, Tsung-Sheng Kuo, Ming-Min Wei, Yun-Chin Chung.(20081018~20081025), Effects of the Tempeh on Intestinal Microbiota and Colon Precancerous Lesions in Rats., 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology.. |
2006 | Chung, Y.C., Lu, S.I., Chang, C.T., and Hsu, C.K.(20060917~20060921), Inhibitory effects of the water extracts of Lavendula spp. on mushroom tyrosinase activity., 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology.. |
2006 | Chung, Y.C., Chan, S.I., Chen, Y.C., and Hsu, C.K.(20060917~20060921), Prebiotic potential of water extract from tempeh, 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology.. |
2006 | Chen, Y.C., Chan, C.T., Chou, S.T., Huang, F.S., Chung, Y.C.(20060624~20060628), Antioxidative activities of peptides isolated from the tempeh, Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2006 | Wei, M.M., Chang, S.Y., Hsu, C.K., and Chung,Y.C.(20060624~20060628), EFFECT OF FOLATE DEFICIENT ON SEROTONIN LEVEL IN SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS FEEDING WITH HIGH FAT DIET., Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2006 | 胡韶婷、 林彥璋 、許勝光 、鍾雲琴.(20060217~20060217),以微生物模式探討發酵與未發酵香椿葉水萃物之抗致突變能力.,台灣保健食品學會第四屆第二次年會。 |
2006 | 魏明敏、廖淑真、鍾雲琴.(20060217~20060217),探討大豆蛋白對離乳大白鼠體內維生素C、E及脂質過氧化物之影響.,台灣保健食品學會第四屆第二次年會。 |
2006 | 張所宜 、許勝光 、鍾雲琴(20060217~20060217),香椿對之抑菌活性評估.,台灣保健食品學會第四屆第二次年會。 |
2006 | 張所宜、 陳雅貞、 鄭宇桀、 鍾雲琴.(20060217~20060217),天貝水萃物之益菌生效果評估,台灣保健食品學會第四屆第二次年會。 |
2005 | Chung, Yun-Chin(20050927~20050929), Effects of xylooligosaccharides on the intestinal functions of the elderly, The 52th Japan society of nutrition and diebetics.. |
2004 | Su-Tze Chou, Shu-Ju Chen , Jan-Ying Yeh and Yun-Chin Chung.(200407~), Antimutagenic potential of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther., Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2004 | Su-Tze Chou, Shu-Ju Chen , Jan-Ying Yeh and Yun-Chin Chung(200407~), Studies on the antioxidative activity of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther., Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2004 | Chan,Y.C., Hsu, C.K., Liao, J. W., Chung,Y. C. and Hsieh,C. P.(200407~), Effects of xylooligosaccharides on the intestinal microbiota and colon precancerous lesion in rats., Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists,. |
2003 | Y. C. Chung , M. Y. Tung, C. T. Chang, and S. T. Jiang.(200307~), Cloning and expression of xylanase of Trichoderma reesei, Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2002 | Cheng-Kuang Hsu, Shann-Tzong Jiang, Hsiao-ching Chen and Yun-Chin Chung.(200206~), Antimicrobial Activities of Xylooligosaccharides Fermentation Broths using Bifidobacteria and Propionibacteria, Presented at the 2002. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. |
2002 | 鍾雲琴,黃克峰,許嘉津,周淑姿(200203~),何首烏萃取物之抗氧化性及安全性試驗,中華民國保健食品學會第2屆年會。 |
2002 | 鍾雲琴,簡錦慈,陳淑茹,周淑姿(200203~),經Bacillus subtilis IMR-NK1發酵之黑豆及豌豆50%乙醇萃取物之安全性評估,中華民國保健食品學會第2屆年會。 |
2002 | 謝佳佩,柯寘媛,王銘富,鍾雲琴,詹吟菁(200203~),寡木醣對小白鼠腸道重量及盲腸菌叢之影響,中華民國保健食品學會第2屆年會。 |
2001 | 陳曉菁,江善宗,鍾雲琴(200112~),培養基對Bifidobacterium bifidum生長之影響對病原菌之抑菌作用,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 鍾雲琴,陳曉菁,江善宗(200112~),雙叉桿菌與丙酸菌共同發酵寡木糖發酵液之抑菌作用,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 董孟昀,鍾雲琴(200112~),聚木糖酵素基因之選殖與表現,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 趙琬貞,鍾雲琴,王俊權(200112~),台產山藥之抑菌作用,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 鍾采穎,鍾雲琴(200112~),本土性雞蛋蛋殼沙門氏菌抗藥性之探討,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 鍾雲琴,趙文婉,周淑姿(200112~),紅豆50% 乙醇萃取物之安全性及抗突變性評估試驗,中華民國食科年會。 |
2001 | 詹社紅,張珍田,鍾雲琴,詹恭巨(200112~),寡木糖之攝取對成年大白鼠腸道生理及菌叢之影響,中華民國食科年會。 |
2000 | 陳曉菁,鍾雲琴(200012~),Bifidobacteria 發酵聚木寡糖發酵液之抑菌作用,中華民國食科年會。 |
詹吟菁,廖俊旺,鍾雲琴,謝佳佩,王銘富,食木寡糖對ICR小鼠之毒性試驗,中華民國實驗動物學會第七屆學術研討會論文摘要(頁25~25)。 | |
詹吟菁,鍾雲琴,謝佳佩,柯寘媛,王銘富,木寡糖對小白鼠腸道之影響,中華民國實驗動物學會第七屆學術研討會論文摘要(頁26~26)。 | |
Cheng-Kuang Hsu,Yu-Ting Huang, Ya-Fang Lin, Yun-Chin Chung., Mechanisms study on the antihypertensive effect of water extract from Natto-tempeh, New Biotechnology: Abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology(p.pS206~S206). | |
Chung, Yun-Chin, Effect of tempeh on the intestinal microbiota and colon cancer in rats, New Biotechnology: Abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology(p.pS205~S205). |

年度 | 計畫名稱 | 主持人 | 計畫期間 | 共同主持人 |
發酵紅豆50%酒精萃取物對高血壓鼠體內血管收縮素轉換酵素及抗氧化相關酵素基因表現之影響及其活性成分分析 | 鍾雲琴 | 2010-2011 | 廖俊旺,謝尤敏,周淑姿 | |
發酵紅豆50%酒精萃取物對高血壓鼠體內血管收縮素轉換酵素及抗氧化相關酵素基因表現之影響及其活性成分分析 | 鍾雲琴 | 2009-2010 | 廖俊旺,謝尤敏,周淑姿 | |
發酵紅豆50%酒精萃取物對高血壓鼠體內血管收縮素轉換酵素及抗氧化相關酵素基因表現之影響及其活性成分分析 | 鍾雲琴 | 2008-2009 | 無 | |
天貝類納豆激酶之純化、微膠囊化及保建功能評估 | 鍾雲琴 | 2007-2008 | 無 | |
天貝抑菌效果及腸道功能評估 | 鍾雲琴 | 2006-2007 | 無 | |
利用Pichia pastoris表現系統生產定點突變之-xylosidase及應用於木寡醣之合成 | 鍾雲琴 | 2005-2006 | 張珍田, 賴鳴鳳 | |
2005 | 以基因轉殖技術生產具抗氧化活性類天貝胜肰之可行性研究3/3 | 鍾雲琴 | 2004-2005 | 無 |
2005 | 以基因轉殖技術生產具抗氧化活性類天貝胜肰之可行性研究2/3 | 鍾雲琴 | 2003-2004 | 無 |
2005 | 香椿抗癌有效成分之安全評估(1/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2003-2004 | 無 |
2005 | 提昇私大研發能量專案機能性寡木糖之製備及其在其在保健食品應用之研究(3/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2002-2003 | 無 |
2005 | 以基因轉殖技術生產具抗氧化活性類天貝胜肰之可行性研究1/3 | 鍾雲琴 | 2002-2003 | 無 |
2005 | 提昇私大研發能量專案機能性寡木糖之製備及其在其在保健食品應用之研究(2/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2001-2002 | 無 |
2005 | 重組TRANSGLUTAMINASE於加工之應用性(3/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2001-2002 | 無 |
2005 | 雙叉桿菌及丙酸菌發酵寡木醣發酵液之抑菌性及安全性 | 鍾雲琴 | 2001-2002 | 無 |
2005 | 提昇私大研發能量專案--機能性寡木糖之製備及其在保健食品應用之研究(1/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2000-2001 | 無 |
2005 | 重組TRANSGLUTAMINASE於加工之應用性(2/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 2000-2001 | 無 |
2005 | 重組TRANSGLUTAMINASE於加工之應用性(1/3) | 鍾雲琴 | 1999-2000 | 無 |

學校名稱 | 論文名稱 | 學位 |
美國奧勒岡州立大學博士 | Saccharification and Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Biomass using Trichoderma ressei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 博士論文 |

作者 | 語言別 | 專利名稱 | 專利證號 | 國別/地區 | 專利權申請日期 | 專利權核准日期 | 專利開始日期 | 專利結束日期 | 專利狀態 | 專利類型 | 異動時間 |
王培銘*、鍾雲琴 王俊權、張珍田 周淑姿、狄韋德 王銘富、詹恭巨 邱雲棕、詹吟菁 吳寬澤、 石信德 | 中文 | 黑柄炭角菌菌絲體萃 取物抗發炎之用途及 抗發炎組合物 | 中華民國發明第1558404號 | 台灣 | 2015 | 2016 | 2016 | 2035 | 已核准 | 發明專利 | 2017/04/14 |
鍾雲琴*、許栢峻 Divate, Rupesh 王培銘、許成光 | 中文 | 釀酒酵母菌株轉殖株、其用途及應用其生產升值以醇方法 | 中華民國發明第1555842號 | 台灣 | 2015 | 2016 | 2016 | 2035 | 已核准 | 發明專利 | 2017/04/14 |
王培銘*、鍾雲琴 王俊權、張珍田 周淑姿、狄韋德 王銘富、詹恭巨 邱雲棕、詹吟菁 吳寬澤、石信德 | 中文 | 黑柄炭角菌菌絲體之製備方法、黑柄炭角菌菌絲體萃取物、其製備方法及其抗氧化 組合物 | 中華民國發明第1538683號 | 台灣 | 2015 | 2016 | 2016 | 2035 | 已核准 | 發明專利 | 2017/04/14 |
鍾雲琴*、周淑姿 王培銘、王俊權 張珍田、王明富 詹恭巨、詹吟菁 | 中文 | 具抗氧化活性之豆類發酵萃取物、其製造方法及其組合物 | 中華民國發明專利發明第1538626號 | 台灣 | 2015 | 2016 | 2016 | 2034 | 已核准 | 發明專利 | 2017/04/14 |

技術移轉名稱 | 技術授權人 | 技術移轉授權對象(公司) |
桑黃發酵製程與技術 | 鍾雲琴、周淑姿、王培銘、王俊權、張珍田、王明富、詹恭巨、詹吟菁 | 長利奈米生物科技(股)公司 |
桑黃發酵製程與保健功效產品化 | 鍾雲琴、周淑姿、王培銘、王俊權、張珍田、王明富、詹恭巨、詹吟菁 | 一品堂生技有限公司 |
納紅豆發酵製成條件與技術 | 鍾雲琴、周淑姿、王培銘、王俊權、張珍田、王明富、詹恭巨、詹吟菁 | 長利奈米生物科技(股)公司 |
納紅豆發酵製成條件與技術 | 鍾雲琴、周淑姿、王培銘、王俊權、張珍田、王明富、詹恭巨、詹吟菁 | 長利奈米生物科技(股)公司 |